It’s a Crypto Valentine’s Day!
Once when I was still joining bounty programs held by ICOs and up-and-coming crypto projects, which was around 2016, I saw topics about how cryptocurrencies may affect the world from the large scale economic level, down to the basic relationship level between individuals. It was fun pitching in opinions over the site, conversing with other people at the same time, and earning good cash that is directly variated to the effort you put in.
One notable topic that I still couldn’t scratch off my head is one that goes like this “Cryptocurrency as a gift for Valentine’s Day?”, where a fellow crypto enthusiast and investor is looking for unique gifts he can give to his girlfriend, only that through the entirety of their relationship, he always gives her something unique for that particular year. That specific year, he is contemplating whether to give his girlfriend $200 in cryptocurrencies, probably to help her start her cryptocurrency journey without having to shell out personal cash.
Back then people thought this was stupid and that he’s gonna get dumped if he tries to do this, since in 2016, cryptocurrency and the industry behind it aren’t as massive as it is today, and people are still having doubts over its sustainability.
Fast forward years from now, people will see this gesture as a viable option, and a very thoughtful one at that too, since it involves securing someone’s future at least in a way.
We truly have come a long way, from cryptocurrencies being worth less than a box of pizza to now being one of the most sought assets in this day and age. And if anybody ever decides to give you crypto as Valentine’s gift or whatever, it could literally be the game-changer for you.