Why AI Won’t succeed in this current state of the Internet
Artificial Intelligence has come so far from being used industrially to now being able to service private individuals, courtesy of OpenAI enabling access to millions of devices across the globe courtesy of open-sourcing their AI programs and making it available for public access.
But as it stands today, AI would not flourish if it stays in the current state of the internet. It needs a more powerful ally by its side that will not only revolutionize the way we look at the Internet, but also how we work around it. Thus far, CUDOS seems to be the guy we are looking for.
This is based on a couple of factors that CUDOS offers — gratis. For instance, CUDOS is a decentralized platform. Initially, a project that aims to decentralize the whole cryptocurrency industry by means of Decentralized Cloud Computing, this powerful feature will be of great importance in helping AI realize its full potential in the future of the internet.
As it stands today, we need large amounts of Computing Power to run necessary complex AI algorithms. OpenAI alone spends millions of dollars everyday for upkeep to make sure that its AI programs remain in service to the public with no delay, which is why congestion and sometimes waitlisting happens.
With CUDOS, this would be alleviated by sourcing its computing power from a decentralized network of users, instead of burning through a whole dedicated block. This form of computing greatly reduces the cost and complexity of developing and maintaining AI programs over the internet by a large margin.
Another important factor that makes CUDOS a well-suited ally for AI is the fact that among all of its competitors, CUDOS is the most accessible of all. AI as we speak is already accessible to a large array of people. But with CUDOS, this can be made even larger. This is particularly important for smaller entities and infrastructures that do not have sufficient resources to invest in expensive computing blocks, because now, CUDOS can simply impart its decentralized nature to allocate computing power for AI and its related activities!
Finally, CUDOS Could help address the issue of security and data privacy that comes with AI. As it stands today, AI is oftentimes getting flak for how easy it is to breach and infiltrate, thanks (or no thanks) to laughable security features by entities who develop AI. CUDOS could help with making AI development by imparting the decentralized nature of its enterprise to AI. This will ultimately ensure that data is kept secure and private, altogether reducing the chances that a data breach or an infiltration could happen.
All in all, CUDOS plays a huge part in making AI a powerful program that is worthy of being added to every 21st-century person’s arsenal of internet go-tos. They have also made clear that they are happy for the fact that they are being sought after as the few who could make this happen.
With CUDOS on the side of healthy AI development, we can rest assured that AI is going to be a very important and helpful addition to our lives in the future.
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